Aug 16, 2019
I'm truly proud and grateful to share that my organization Beyond the Built Environment was selected to be an Allied Media Sponsored Project. This organizations supports initiatives that leverage art, media, and technology to work towards social change. It is a great network of passionate advocates actively working towards change and it is an honor to be featured among them.

This organization also allow donors to financially support all of our initiatives SAY IT LOUD, SEE IT LOUD and LEARN OUT LOUD and receive tax benefits.
To see the Beyond the Built Environment profile on the Allied Media Sponsored website, please click below.

SAY IT LOUD - Traveling activation exhibitions
I am hoping you are familiar with SAY IT LOUD Exhibitions so i'll take this opportunity to introduce you to some of my other initiatives.
Upcoming Exhibitions include:
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA'19 - October -
SAY IT LOUD - Illinois - November -
SAY IT LOUD - Pennsylvania - November -
SAY IT LOUD - Virginia - November -

SEE IT LOUD - Augmented Reality App and Camp
We will leverage augmented reality as a tool to educate and empower as a design mechanism for the youth in the form of an app that can be easily downloaded to their mobile devices.
The SEE IT LOUD application serves as a crowd sourcing tool to identify significant pieces of architecture designed by women and diverse design professionals. While simultaneously being a catalyst to document, elevate celebrate, and engage the contributions of diverse design professionals. It echo's the important role they had in forming their city and amplifies the necessity for their continued voice in the future of the built environment.
This reinvented city would be full of new designers actively engaging architecture, including the parts of the city that has been historically neglected due to their race and the socio economical makeup of their residence.

LEARN OUT LOUD - Pop Up Children's Book
Through the international SAY IT LOUD Exhibitions we’ve been able to gather work from over 80 profiles of diverse designers from all over the united states. It is a traveling activation, that cultivates local talents in the states in-which host exhibitions. As more exhibitions are displayed and gather a substantial quantity of profiles are collected we can develop state specific LEARN OUT LOUD Books. By featuring current diverse designers we are ensuring tangible mentors for children interested in the professional to access for guidance and direction.
The kids would say “I CAN TOO” out loud whenever they were on a pop up page. The purpose of this affirmation is to get the students comfortable and familiar with encouraging them in this path, that when they are faced with adversity or those who say they do not have the capacity because of their gender or race, they can dismiss the ignorance of that voice